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Posts tagged “Ali Al-Naimi

Market Outlook

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011


Emas turun di bawah rata-rata 100 hari

Kontrak berjangka emas turun, melanjutkan penurunan bulan ini, setelah harga di New York berada di posisi rata-rata 100 hari. Perak melemah ke level 8 minggu yang rendah. Di perdagangan elektronik di bursa Comex, kontrak berjangka emas untuk pengiriman Februari turun sebanyak 0,9% dari harga kesepakatan US$1.344,50/troy ounce, dibawah harga rata-rata 100 hari di level US$1.350,37/troy ounce Pada 5 Januari, emas menutup penurunan dua hari terbesar dalam 11 bulan saat tergelincir di bawah harga rata-rata 50 hari. “Emas tidak bisa bertahan di atas harga rata-rata 100 hari,” kata Matthew Zeman, pedagang logam mulia LaSalle Futures Group di Chicago. “Anda menyaksikan orang-orang menarik uangnya setelah kegagalan [penurunan harga] itu. Tren beralih menjadi negatif bagi emas dan perak. Kontrak berjangka emas untuk pengiriman Februari diperdagangkan di level US$1.333.00 /troy ounce pada penutupan perdagangan pukul 4:39 sore waktu New York. Emas sempat menyentuh level US$1.331,80, terendah sejak 17 November. Berdasarkan harga penutupan, emas turun 5,4% bulan ini setelah naik  30% pada 2010, kenaikan tahunan kesepuluh berturut-turut. (By

Komitmen Arab Saudi membuat harga minyak jeblok 1,4% di New York

Kontrak harga minyak turun ke level terendah dalam lima minggu terakhir. Kondisi itu terjadi setelah Menteri Perminyakan Arab Saudi Ali al-Naimi memberikan sinyal kalau OPEC akan meningkatkan produksi minyaknya untuk memenuhi kenaikan permintaan. Harga minyak melorot 1,4% setelah al-Naimi bilang dirinya sangat optimistis mengenai pasar energi dan harga minyak akan kembali stabil. “Saudi Arabia akan menggunakan kapasitas produksi cadangannya sebesar 4 juta barel sehari untuk menjaga keseimbangan permintaan dan penawaran minyak,” kata Naimi. Sejumlah analis menilai, komentar Naimi akan membuat harga minyak turun. “Komentar Naimi akan membuat bearish pasar minyak. Hal itu menandakan, Arab Saudi tidak tertarik dengan kenaikan harga minyak sehingga berupaya menurunkan emas hitam itu,” ujar Michael Lynch, President of Strategic Energy & Economic Research di Winchester. Catatan saja, kontrak harga minyak untuk pengantaran Maret turun US$ 1,24 menjadi US$ 87,87/barel di NYMEX. Ini merupakan harga terendah sejak 16 Desember lalu. Harga minyak sudah naik 18% dari tahun lalu. (By

English Version:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Gold falls below an average of 100 days

Gold futures contract dropped, continuing a decline this month, after the price in New York was in position an average of 100 days. Silver fell to as low as 8-week low. In electronic trading on the exchange’s Comex, gold futures for February delivery fell as much as 0.9% of the deal price of U.S. $ 1,344.50 / troy ounce, below the average of 100 days at the level of U.S. $ 1,350.37 / troy ounce On January 5, Gold closed the biggest two-day decline in 11 months as prices slid below an average of 50 days. “Gold can not stay above the average price of 100 days,” said Matthew Zeman, metals trader at LaSalle Futures Group in Chicago. “You see people get their money after the failure of [price reduction] is. The trend turned into a negative for gold and silver. Gold futures contract for February delivery traded at the level of U.S. $ 1.333.00 / troy ounce at the close of trading at 4:39 pm time New York. Gold had touched the level of U.S. $ 1,331.80, the lowest since November 17. Based on closing prices, gold fell 5.4% this month after rising 30% in 2010, the tenth annual increase in a row. (By


Saudi Arabia’s commitment to make oil prices drop 1.4% in New York

Contract price of oil fell to its lowest level in five weeks. Conditions that occur after the Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi gave a signal that OPEC will increase oil production to meet rising demand. Oil prices slipped 1.4% after al-Naimi said he was very optimistic about the energy markets and oil prices will again stabilize. “Saudi Arabia will use its reserve production capacity of 4 million barrels a day to balance supply and demand of oil,” Naimi said. Some analysts rate, comment Naimi will make oil prices go down. “Comments Naimi will make a bearish oil market. It signifies, Saudi Arabia was not interested in rising oil prices so that attempt to derive the black gold,” said Michael Lynch, president of Strategic Energy & Economic Research in Winchester. Notes only, the contract price of oil for March delivery fell U.S. $ 1.24 to U.S. $ 87.87 per barrel on NYMEX. This is the lowest price since December 16 last. Oil prices have gone up 18% from a year ago. (By